1. Register yourself as a student on Postman using this link -

Postman <> GSSOC Challenge

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2. Once you are registered, you will land on this page. Check your email for an email from Postman Student Programs to make sure the registration is successful.

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3. Click on “Click here” mentioned in above to register on Postman Student Academy to start learning. Choose the Sign Up option.

<aside> ℹ️ Please use the same email ID used in Step 1 while registering for Postman Academy


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4. Once you sign up for Postman Academy, you can use the credentials to login into Postman Academy. Check your email for an email from Postman Academy to make sure registration is successful. You will be taken to a Dashboard

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5. Click on Get Started to start with the course. Follow along the lectures conducted by Postman & LetsUpgrade to complete the course.

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